• Gregory has largely retired from public appearances. To promote his new novel, ELPHIE, out on March 25, 2025, Maguire will be making a few appearances in New York City and Boston the week of ELPHIE’s release. He is featured at the Writers Institute 5th annual Albany Film Festival, 10:45 am., in the Main Theater of the Performing Arts Center at the uptown UAlbany campus. Check out
    For all ELPHIE related events, please visit the UPCOMING page.
  • WICKED: PART ONE, Universal’s movie adaptation of the Broadway play, opened to a huge box office just before Thanksgiving, 2024. It has received ten Oscar nominations.  WICKED: FOR GOOD, the conclusion of the story, will be out in late November 2025.
  • WICKED: THE GRAPHIC NOVEL PART 1 releases March 11, 2025

Front & Center

Behold Front & Center, within which the curious can find GM’s latest and also his most popular works of fiction for readers of all ages.


And lo, the Backlist: Here there be spotted such beasts of the GM realm as ghosts, aliens, genetically modified chicken monsters, and teens buried alive in an underground city of the future.

Theater & Film

Now presenting, in Theater & Film, news of coming attractions based on GM’s work, as well as notice of current and previous productions.

UPCOMING EVENTS (click here for full listing)