• Gregory has largely retired from public appearances. An exception is the CharlOz conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. The conference begins on Sept. 27, but GM will be on hand for a pre-conference talk on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 26. For details, see
  • We’re told that the film WICKED PART ONE, will open nationally on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024. The trailer having dropped at the Super Bowl in Feb. 2024, and a portfolio of cast portraits appearing in Vanity Fair in April, we feel the publicity campaign gathering momentum.
  • THE WITCH OF MARACOOR, volume three of “Another Day,” was released in October, 2023. A new novel called ELPHIE: A WICKED CHILDHOOD will be on sale March 25, 2025.
  • On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 Gregory will be the Keynote Speaker at the New Hampshire Humanities 2024 Annual Celebration of the Humanities. Click here for details.

Front & Center

Behold Front & Center, within which the curious can find GM’s latest and also his most popular works of fiction for readers of all ages.


And lo, the Backlist: Here there be spotted such beasts of the GM realm as ghosts, aliens, genetically modified chicken monsters, and teens buried alive in an underground city of the future.

Theater & Film

Now presenting, in Theater & Film, news of coming attractions based on GM’s work, as well as notice of current and previous productions.

UPCOMING EVENTS (click here for full listing)